teaching & outreach

teaching-related experience and outreach efforts.

UW Madison
Mentorship & Leadership

I am extremely passionate about improving accessibility to advanced mathematics for minoritized groups. I was previously an LSAMP student at Fresno State, and participated in the PUMP summer program. I'm more than happy to talk about my experiences or share my advice.

I currently volunteer for the mathematics department's Undergraduate Mentorship Program (UMP), where I mentor a group of students who are interested in pursuing math-related careers in industry or graduate studies in mathematics. I am also co-mentoring a group of first year PhD students to help them better transition into doctoral studies.

During summer 2023, I was one of the graduate mentors for a group of undergraduate students for the analysis REU at UW Madison run by Sergey Densiov. Their project combines elements of complex analysis, harmonic analysis, and approximation theory, and was based on On Discrete Norms of Polynomials by Rakhmanov and Shekhtman.

Semester Course
Fall 2023 MATH 234: Calculus - Functions of Several Variables
DIS 311 TTh 1:20PM-2:10PM, DIS 312 MW 7:45AM-8:35AM
Note: Section 312 is a section comprised entirely of mathematically advanced high school students from the Madison area.
Spring 2023 MATH 222: Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
DIS 384 MW 8:50-9:40AM, DIS 385 MW 9:55-10:45AM
“Superior” TA ranking by the Mathematics department TA evaluation committee.
Fall 2022 MATH 222: Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
DIS 341 TTh 7:45-8:35AM, DIS 342 TTh 8:50-9:40AM
“Superior” TA ranking by the Mathematics department TA evaluation committee.

Fresno State
Mentorship & Leadership
Sonia Kovalevsky Mathematics Day ◆ Spring 2019, 2020, 2021
  • 2021: Co-led a Zoom breakout session involving interactive, hands-on activities about the topology of a torus to female and nonbinary students in grades 7-12 interested in mathematics as part of a daylong program involving their teachers.
  • 2020: Co-led a session (see description above) on mathematical modeling the spread of infectious ‘zombie’ disease. Participated in the event’s panel discussion for women in mathematics.
  • 2019: Volunteered to assist one of the rotating breakout sessions with activities on fractals (Sierpinski Triangle, Sierpinski Carpet, snowflakes).
Mathematics Department Peer Mentor ◆ Fall 2016- Spring 2020
  • Volunteered as a peer mentor for a group of incoming freshmen and transfer Mathematics majors each academic year.
  • Provided advice and guidance on adjusting to university life and performing well in major courses. Contacted students via email to regularly check-in, discuss progress, and share events of interest held by the Mathematics Department, the Career Development Center, etc.
  • Met with incoming and prospective Mathematics majors during Dog Days (university orientation), Preview Day, and other new student events hosted by the Mathematics Department.
President of Society of Physics Students (SPS) Chapter ◆ Fall 2018- Spring 2019
  • Served as President of the on-campus SPS chapter, which worked closely with the Physics Department. Organized regularly scheduled meetings as well as events, such as the 2nd annual liquid nitrogen-filled pumpkin drop as part of a joint event by Feria de Educación and Fresno State’s College of Science and Mathematics Day of Discovery.
  • Maintained the physics undergraduate study room, including overseeing the club’s budget for supplying the snack bar.
  • Applied for and obtained grants from the Associated Students, Incorporated office to fund club’s activities. Organized travel to/from American Physical Society sectional meetings in the state at different institutions, including travel reimbursement for drivers.
  • Reinitiated the Sigma Pi Sigma honors society chapter at the university.
Vice President of SACNAS Chapter ◆ Fall 2018 - Spring 2019
  • Served as Vice President of the on-campus Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) chapter on campus, which operates closely with the Fresno State Louis Stokes Association for Minority Participation (LSAMP) office.
  • Assisted with organizing regularly scheduled meetings and events, with an emphasis on workshops such as applying for scholarships, applying for summer research experiences or internships, planning/coordinating the second Fresno State SACNAS spring break graduate school tour in northern California, etc.
Pre-Health Club Officer Council Member ◆ Spring 2019
  • Invited as one of the SACNAS officers to join the Pre-Health Club Officer Council to help the Health Career Opportunities Program (HCOP) within the college to provide better support for pre-health career student organizations.
  • Attended meetings held every two weeks with the officers of other pre-health career student organizations to improve communication among the clubs and create a calendar encompassing all activities relevant to pre-health career students.
Teaching Experience
Department of Mathematics Grader ◆ Spring 2021
  • Graded weekly homework assignments for Modern Algebra (MATH 151), taught by Dr. Carmen Caprau.
  • Assessed students’ knowledge of present and past course material based on their use of definitions, applicable theorems, and ability to construct examples and counterexamples.
  • Provided detailed feedback on students’ proof-writing and usage of LaTeX.
Department of Mathematics Tutor ◆ Spring 2020 - Spring 2021
  • Served as a regularly scheduled tutor, available on a drop-in basis, for lower and upper division courses offered by the Mathematics Department.
  • Explained core definitions, theorems, and proof-techniques to students by using examples from course notes and textbooks.
  • Guided students in upper division courses on how to rigorously prove statements in advanced mathematics and provided feedback on how to improve proof-writing and typesetting in LaTeX.
  • Often tutored for the following courses: Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Transition to Advanced Mathematics, Discrete Structures/Combinatorics, Number Theory, Complex Analysis, Modern Algebra, Real Analysis.
Supplemental Instruction Leader ◆ Fall 2020
  • Led Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions/office hours for Transition to Advanced Mathematics (MATH 111), taught by Dr. Oscar Vega.
  • Held collaborative group problem-solving sessions and office hours, each twice a week.
  • Utilized Zoom and Google Suite applications to provide support for students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Worked closely with course instructor to develop materials to improve students’ understanding of the course’s material and better prepare students for quizzes/exams.
  • Attended weekly group meetings and monthly individual meetings with assigned mentor.
  • Participated in monthly training sessions organized by the SI coordinators and mentors.
Graduate Teaching Associate ◆ Fall 2019 - Spring 2020
  • Instructor of record for activity sections of math support courses: Elementary Statistics (MATH 11L), College Algebra (MATH 3L), and Structure and Concepts in Mathematics I (MATH 10AL).
  • Facilitated group-based study and problem-solving sessions to complement material covered in the respective parent courses.
  • Remediated students’ knowledge of K-12 mathematics topics, with emphasis placed on arithmetic, algebra, and word problems.
Upper Division Facilitator/Instructional Student Assistant ◆ Spring 2019 - Fall 2019
  • Facilitated twice-a-week study sessions for Intermediate Mathematical Analysis I (MATH 171) for Drs. Tamás Forgács and Michael Bishop.
  • Created tutoring material and lesson plans that coincided with professor’s objectives, based on weekly meetings with the faculty discussing students’ strengths and weaknesses with current course material.
  • Reviewed testing material and exams to ensure they aligned with covered course material and class level.
Calculus Instructional Student Assistant ◆ Fall 2018 - Spring 2019
  • Led weekly calculus I (MATH 75) recitation sections.
  • Facilitated collaborative activities and problem-solving sessions for calculus students.
  • Proctored and graded quizzes on a weekly basis pertaining to previously covered material encompassed within the activities.